inspiring stories for everyone by
Elen Caldecott
Evie’s Magic Bracelet
What if you had a magic bracelet that gave you the power to talk to animals?
One morning Evie gets a special parcel in the post from her Grandma Iris in Jamaica. Inside layers of tissue and colourful ribbons is a beautiful bracelet! And the bracelet isn't just beautiful ... it shows Evie that there's magic everywhere, if she can just find out how to use it. With a bit of determination and some help from her friends, Evie's ready to have some magical adventures! This is the first in a sensational seven-book series co-written by Jessica Ennis-Hill and Elen Caldecott. The titles in order are: The Silver Unicorn, The Enchanted Puppy, The Sprites' Den, The Unicorn's Foal, The Clocktower Charm, The Fire Bird and The Golden Sands.
Reviews & Awards
Evie’s tale of self-determination, friendship and courage will inspire children to see the magic in the acts of kindness all round them.
- Three times LoveReading's Book of the Month.
Extras, Resources and Inspirations

Many of Elen’s books have accompanying extras, including sample chapters, videos and activities. Click on the button below to see all the free resources available.
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